KSU SRT Project

       by Ashley K. Wheeler

        supervisor:  Dr. Tim Bolton

high bay, home of the KSU SRT

Kansas State University

Physics Department  

REU Program, sponsored by NSF

Welcome to my webpage.  This page summarizes my REU experience during the summer of 2006.  Since February I have been working on KState's Small Radio Telescope project.  Progress really kicked off the week right before REU, after finals week.  This semester was a tough one!

Click here to learn about my project.

Click here to read about other REU activities.

Scroll all the way down to learn more About Me.  I've also included some Useful Links and other fun things.


2 Aug 06 -- I'M COUNTING ON FEEDBACK!  Please let me know if you find anything wrong with this site (broken links, missing pictures, typos, etc.) OR if you would like to know more about any aspect of my REU experience or my research.  Tomorrow is the last day of REU where we give our talks.  The plan today is to add the finishing touches to the paper, practice my talk, and finish up this website.  Check below for new links.  These websites were all useful to me this summer over the course of my project.

31 Jul 06 -- There were some computer problems last week so I could not update this page.  Since last time I've been working on my paper and my presentation, which are available for download (if you would like to track my progress).

21 Jul 06 -- Added information about progress from this week and the ethics lecture.  There are also some new pictures to look at.

14 Jul 06 -- Last weekend I sent this address to my family members.  I'm told there are still some broken links on this site.  Where?  If you see one, please email me at leyjfk6@phys.ksu.edu and I will fix the problem.  Took a few more pictures to post.  I hadn't written much about Dr. Weaver's lectures, so I posted the schedule and described some of the other things he's had me working on.  REU is almost over so hopefully next week there will be updates about the final project... Eventually I want to have that list of reading materials in proper MLA citation format, too. 

7 Jul 06 -- I found the camera in Jasmine's office and took some quick pictures.  I've never been good with a digital camera, so I'll probably have to retake a lot of them.

30 Jun 06 -- Focused mainly on the content of the project page.  Still need to provide a summary of this spring semester's progress on the project.  This weekend I had planned to get my digital camera working again so I could post some pictures.  Dr. Bolton told me the department has a camera that I can check out.  I would at least like to get a picture of the dish on this page.

23 Jun 06 -- Broken up into separate pages.  Trying to figure out how to format a bulleted list.

16 Jun 06 -- This page is created based on a template by Dr. Kristan Corwin about Schrodinger's Cat.

Picture of the scope (taken 7 Jul 06).

About Me:  I'm really interesting!  I grew up in Colorado Springs, and attend college at Kansas State University.  I first got interested in physics the summer before my senior year of high school, when I participated in the Regents Honors Academy.  The program took place at KU, and I decided I would major in either physics or political science.  I attended the Air Force Academy for a year, where I was a physics major.  I transferred to KState and switched to mathematics, but I fully intend to study physics in graduate school.  Right now I am considering University of Colorado, Boulder, University of Chicago, and University of California, Berkeley.  

Useful Links: 

When I'm not killing cats, I like to surf the web.  Check out these useful sites:

I also like to read.  Dr. Bharat Ratra has suggested several books for me.  Hopefully this summer I can gain some background information for a future theory project in cosmology.

  1.     1.  Freedman, Roger A.  Universe:  Stars and Galaxies.  Ch. 5, 28
  2.     2.  Shklovsky, I. S.  Cosmic Radio Waves.  (Scott Palmiter found this in the undergrad lounge)
  3.     3.  Einstein, Albert.  The Evolution of Physics.
  4.     4.  Feynman, Richard.  The Character of Physical Law. (in progress)
  5.     5.  Feynman lectures series.  Vol. 1 Chapters 47-50.  (at Dr. Weaver's request --- discussion about sound and the wave equation)
  6.     6.  Tesla, Nikola.  My Inventions:  The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla. (found this awhile back and thought it might be interesting)
  7.     7.  Silk, Joseph.  The Big Bang. (finished 6 Jul 06)
  8.     8.  Weinberg, Steven.  The First Three Minutes.
  9.     9.  Scientific American articles:
  10.             Hogan, Kirshner, Suntzeff.  "Surveying Space-time with Supernovae."
  11.             Peebles, Schramm, Turner, Kron.  "The Evolution of the Universe."
  12.             Freedman, Wendy L.  "The Expanision Rate and Size of the Universe."
  13.             Rubin, Vera.  "Dark Matter in the Universe."
  14.     10.  Silk, Joseph.  A Short History of the Universe.